The Megapro Blog— Screwdrivers You Can Count On— Content You Can Trust


Written by Jack Albrecht | Jun 22, 2023 3:51:49 PM

BCIT Marketing students raised over $6,000 in just a few weeks and were rewarded with custom engraved Megapro Tools Screwdrivers to help them keep tackling tasks for years to come.


Sometimes, it's difficult to know what to do when something is happening outside of your reach and yet you feel pulled to help. This is the case right now with activity in Eastern Europe. Regardless of which view one resonates with, we cannot ignore the fact that there are many civilians suffering and want to help in our own way. 

When we heard that our president, Alicia O'Brien's, alma mater, was raising funds for Red Cross relief, we saw opportunity to help. Each BCIT Marketing class was challenged to raise funds and at the end of the semester, the class that had raised the most received the Original Megapro 15-in-1 Screwdriver with their name engraved on the shaft. 

While our gift wasn't as fun as the thought of their teacher at the front of the lecture hall in a T-Rex costume, the winning students were surprised and excited to see their names on the screwdrivers we sent over as motivational prizing. 



Overall, the BCIT Marketing students raised over $6,000 in just a few weeks. This includes the professional sales students putting their newly learned skills to the test and raising over $2,000 in just a couple of hours! What great effort all around!

When there's a job to do, we know how to get it done, and so do these kids. To reward that get 'er done spirit, these students are now also ready to tackle any screw they come across for years to come - and no one will steal their drivers because it is CLEARLY theirs forever.

The fundraiser is still open and can be found here