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Learn how to get the most out of your new home inspection by arming yourself with some important questions, a good follow through strategy and of course, a Megapro Multi-Bit Screwdriver.
Congratulations! You're on the verge of owning a new home! What’s that? You’re just waiting for the results of the home inspection first? I knew you looked like a smart cookie. This is a big investment, and you need to be smart about it. Knowing the nature and amount of work (not to mention money) you’d be putting into your potential new home is critical. It's important to ask the inspector questions before and during the inspection. A good starting point is the below list:
1) What do you check?
2) What don’t you check?
3) How long will the inspection take? (So you can block off enough time: don’t want to rush it)
4) Can I come along for the inspection?
5) Can I see a sample report?
1) What does that mean? (No such thing as a stupid question when dealing with your new home)
2) Is this a big deal or a minor issue?
3) I’ve never owned a home with ________. How do I maintain this thing?
4) What are your biggest concerns about the property?
Getting to the bottom of this list with the inspector will give you a good sense of what needs to be done and how soon it needs to be done. For me personally, working in the trades allowed me to look at the home inspection through a “What can I fix myself” lens. But I wasn’t about to tear things completely down to the studs. It’s important to know when to unholster your Original Megapro multi-bit screwdriver, and when to call an expert.
Of course, it all depends on your know-how, but there’s something comforting about a professional, INSURED company working on your home (after all, we guarantee our screwdrivers, not what you do with them…) This rationale also applies to home renovations, which you can read about in our Top 5 Things To Know Before Starting Your Home Renovation blog.
You can use your inspection report as a to do list, separating the jobs you’ll carry out yourself from the work you’ll need a professional to do. Pro Tip: Keeping this list handy for maintenance down the road can also prevent future repair bills and help ensure the same issues won’t show up on future inspections.
Once you have a list of things you can take care of yourself, you’re off to the races. Megapro multi-bit screwdrivers make quick work of any fastening needs your household may require. A large variety of bits means you can walk around with one handy tool and take care of most repairs you come across. Tighten fixtures, change light switches or outlet cover plates (Don’t forget to turn off the electrical first!) change filters and take care of any other odd jobs that may require a screwdriver. If you’ve got a big list of fixes, consider the Megapro Ratcheting Driver, which will save you even more time, energy, and strain on your hand.
I’ll leave you with this tidbit from my own experience. One of the jobs I took care of just after moving into our apartment was adjusting the kitchen cabinet doors. It’s one of those tasks that you’ll be happy you did because you won’t notice a crooked gap or an overhanging door every time you go into the kitchen and think to yourself “I should adjust that cabinet door one of these days …” Well, with your Megapro multi-bit screwdriver in hand and your new home inspection list, today is that day!
Now go forth, get the job done and score some major points with your spouse (or whomever you happen to live with: I hear house pets appreciate nicely adjusted cabinet doors as well)